Effective 23MAY2022
Filed 23MAY2022
Filing Codes I

Except as otherwise provided in individual NRAs, a shipment, which
for any reason, is refused or rejected by the Consignee at destination,
or which cannot be delivered despite Carrier's diligent efforts for
reasons not ascribable to the Carrier within forty-eight (48) hours
of notification to the Consignee that the shipment has arrived and
is ready for delivery, will be considered "refused" or "unclaimed"
and will be SUBJECT to the following provisions.
a. If, after the expiration of the Free Time specified above,
   delivery of shipment to Consignee is ultimately accomplished,
   all third party warehouse, storage and/or redelivery cartage
   charges (when applicable) which have been incurred and/or
   advanced by the Carrier will be assessed and collected from
   the Consignee, regardless of whether the shipment was prepaid
   or collect, unless Shipper shall otherwise claim responsibility
   for such charges in writing.
b. In all cases of refused or unclaimed shipments, Carrier will
   immediately notify Shipper of such status by telephone, facsimile,
   e-mail or other electronic means and request instructions for the
   disposition of the shipment.
c. If Carrier does NOT receive instructions for the disposition of
   shipment from Shipper within the Free Time specified above, Carrier
   reserves the right to transfer the refused or unclaimed cargo to a
   public storage facility. All third party charges incurred and
   assessed as a result of such action, including but not limited to,
   storage, transfer, terminal, cartage or customs charges will be for
   the account of cargo. Once placed in a public storage facility,
   Carrier's liability will terminate and a lien for all unpaid
   freight and additional charges shall be placed upon the cargo
   for Carrier's account.
d. Notice of arrival of shipment at Bill of Lading destination as
   described in this Rule shall be given to Consignee by telephone,
   facsimile or e-mail when possible or by deposit of letter or post
   Foreign Postal Service.

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